iMAG Christmas Message

This isn’t our usual slushy Christmas message, and this really isn’t a normal Christmas.

So, we won’t list all the events delivered and new kit purchased…

A lot of us can’t be with the people we want too this year, but what we can do is appreciate & cherish everything single thing we do have.

With this in mind, we wanted to think how we could best impact those around us at this special and, sometimes difficult time of year. Over the last 12 months we have as a team faced many challenges and one that tragically seems to never disappear is the impact of mental health on men in our industry.

So instead of client gifts and cards we have made a donation to the incredible team @DorsetMind, who provide invaluable local mental health support. We are proud to be working even closer with Dee, Craig and the team over the next year.

But really, we just want to say thank you. Thank you to each and everyone of you; for supporting us, our incredible staff and our business. Thank you to each one of our amazing team, our crews, suppliers, clients and friends.

The biggest thank you is saved for our families and our dearest friends, the ones that kept us smiling and sane. Well as much as we ever are!

Merry Christmas from us all x

iMAG Christmas Message